Original Resources and Software

Most of the pictures are free and collected at Morguefile (http://www.morguefile.com/), the rest are our own.

Most of the pictograms from Arasaac (http://www.arasaac.org/), some are modified from Arasaac and a few are my own.

The software I used for making the slides was Xara Xtreme (in the start), but it was a very old version, and I had to pay to update to a newer version so I started to use Inkscape (free), I miss some options, but it works smoothly.

I use, as well, Gimp (free) that lets me converts the Inkscape file and work with pictures and pictograms.

When I need to modify audio (not published) I use Audacity. It takes a little bit time to learn to use it, but it is an amazing program (and free).

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